The residents from left to right:
Dr. Sung Cho, Dr. Sharla Aronson, Dr. Heidi Ferre, Dr. Nathan Starley, Dr. Safa Maiwand, Dr. Nancy Lam

Nate receiving his plaque

Nathan's Tribute:
Dr. Nathan "Family Practice" Starley
Presented for successful completion of the one-year General Dentistry Residency at the Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System in June of 2009. Dr. Starley truly excelled as a mature and rock-steady dental practitioner during his year with us. Nathan may have been slow in sharing his dental check-off book with staff, but was never stingy with Stacey's fabulous homemade cookies. Best wishes for you, for your family, and your upcoming dental practice with Dad in Utah.
Katelyn studying the likeness of herself

The Plaques for the residents made by Dr. Deale. He's been making these from dental materials for the past 30 years.

Pretty much everyone that works at the VA dental clinic

Congrats to you all for completing the residency and good luck with the move! Let us know when you get settled a little and we will get together.
What a nice tribute:) I hope everything is going well in Salt Lake - I bet having your own home definitely beats renting above crazy neighbors! Miss you guys!
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