So some of you may have followed our scares with Sarah's weight(oh and Katelyn's too). At 4 months Sarah was a mere 9lbs 7oz (waaay below the charts)--considering she was a full-term baby and 6lbs 6oz at birth. Happy day today though when she sauntered on the scale. At 6 and a half months she's 14lbs 2oz (10th percentile) and I couldn't be more proud. Way to go little peanut. She's still in the 3-6 month size but at least we were able to stow away the newborn diapers and clothes. I am completely in love with our new pediatrician...okay I mean she's great with Sarah, thanks Heather Y for your recommendation.

Happy day. We wanted to celebrate so when we heard the doot doo doo dooda outside we ran to catch the icecream truck. Sorry I didn't get a photo op but my couch is nice and peachy from the push up popcicle. Ah well that is what childhood is made of. Please excuse me while I run damage control.
Sarah Before-4 Months

After-6 Months

Katelyn Before 4 Months

After 6 Months
Yay for Sarah! She is so cute!! I love her picture in your last post with her big smile!! We miss you!
Hooray! I'm so happy when Kate gains weight. She's still only 15lbs at almost 11 months. Sarah is such a cutie pie and looks so much like Katelyn did in that last photo.
I love that your little girls stay so petite for so long and then just chunk out. I realize it's a little scary for you but I think it's sweet, maybe because my first born was larger at birth than yours were at 4 months!!?? just a theory. Your girls are so cute though and remember you get more diapers for your dollar the smaller they are!!!
oh hooray! what a relief huh?
cute kids Stacey! Glad everything is going good! love ya!
sweet petite, dainty sarah... she's perfect. you look tan and lovely. california looks good on you.
Yea! Maybe they need more ice cream. :) That's what grandma would say. It's hard to imagine since Carly has always been in the 75 to 80% for weight and her doctor said something to me about making sure she doesn't eat a lot of empty calories at her last appt. :) It's not me! It's the grandmas! I swear!
Yay for baby Sarah. They seem so fragile when they are so little. I'm glad things are going well for you guys in california!
woo-hoo! That is great. Isn't it amazing how much angst a parent can suffer on behalf of their little one? And how much relief/joy as well!
PS. Thanks for posting a comment on my other blog!! I really appreciate it. Only 2 people have out of like 50 that I asked, so THANK YOU.
Oh I can't wait to see that sweet baby girl. I love when they start to chunk up a little. Charlotte is finally getting some chubs on her legs. It will be fun to see how the two girls compare in size now.
Jackson weighed more when he was born than when Sarah was 4 months. That is pretty awesome. Bryce
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