We've had a tradition taking shots of our family at the very end of pregnancy. We had Amy Call (see www.amycallphotography.blogspot.com) take our photos on Saturday (the day before surgery) and loved how they turned out. Now to just pick which ones to have on the wall... We spent the last evening as a family of four at Chuck-E-Cheese and the girls had one of the very best days ever!
Wow Stace! I look more pregnant than you do and you were 9 months pregnant in those pictures. Very cute! Glad to hear everything went well. Hope you have an easy recovery.
Congratulations on Baby Abigail, and that picture of you guys in the circle (it almost looks like Ring-Around-The-Rosy) where Katelyn is the only one looking at the camera is absolutely darling. I love it. You look so good, I can't believe you are full term in these pictures, wow! Congrats again and good luck with the recovery. :)
Congrats on the exciting baby news!! Stacey, you look A-MAZING. Hope everything went well with getting sweet little Abigail here and that Katelyn and Sarah are loving every second of their new sister.
Stacey, you barely look pregnant in those pictures! I would never be brave enough to take pictures right before I deliver-I'd be all swollen. But yours turned out great.
Wow Stace! I look more pregnant than you do and you were 9 months pregnant in those pictures. Very cute! Glad to hear everything went well. Hope you have an easy recovery.
They all turned out great! So cute!
very beautiful.
Congratulations on Baby Abigail, and that picture of you guys in the circle (it almost looks like Ring-Around-The-Rosy) where Katelyn is the only one looking at the camera is absolutely darling. I love it. You look so good, I can't believe you are full term in these pictures, wow! Congrats again and good luck with the recovery. :)
Congrats on the exciting baby news!! Stacey, you look A-MAZING. Hope everything went well with getting sweet little Abigail here and that Katelyn and Sarah are loving every second of their new sister.
Wow! I wish I looked like that 9 months pregnant! Your family is so cute!
cute photos! I LOVE your sweater! you have such a cute little family!!
you actually look pg!! so cute and i love that sweater!
Stacey, you barely look pregnant in those pictures!
I would never be brave enough to take pictures right before I deliver-I'd be all swollen. But yours turned out great.
They are such beautiful pictures...but of course they would be because you guys are so darling!!! I am excited to meet baby girl #3!!!
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