Catchin' a ride home

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Katelyn holding Abigail and Sarah practicing holding her hands out

Sarah holding Abigail

Katelyn and Matt Holding Abigail

The Three Muskateers

Sweet Moments

Loves From Great Grandpa

The Geese at the Hospital Reflecting Pond were a great distraction for the girls

Mom getting Abigail ready for the car

Cute Sticker on her stats chart

Congratulations! She's so cute! And I love the family pictures you had done.
Glad to hear that you are all doing well. Can't wait to come meet baby Abigail. She is beautiful! Please call me if you guys need anything but I will be in touch.
Congratulations! Your family pictures are very cute and so is baby Abigail.
Yeah! I have been so excited to see pictures of your new little one. (And she is a little one...I love how she's swimming in her clothes.)
Congratulations! Glad everything went well!
Congratulations!! She is adorable. I love the name you gave her.
She's beautiful. I want your pregnancy genes. I look like that when I am 4 months pregnant and I would never photograph myself a day before I am going to deliver. I would look like a whale. You are lucky. Hope everything went well and you are adjusting to the mom of three. I thought three was hard because you run out of arms. Congratulations!
Abigail--I LOVE her name! And I'm so glad that all went well and that you have another beautiful, sweet little girl in your family! Congrats, you guys! I, too, love the family pictures you had taken. SOOO cute! That sweater is so cute, Stace. I hope you are feeling well and recovering quickly. Enjoy snuggling that sweet new babe!
Yeah she's here and what a cute girly she is and great name. So glad it all went well. You look fantastic for just having a baby and a C-section at that. Can't wait to meet her. Hope the recovery is going well.
Awww! congratulations! another beautiful Starley girl!!
Congrats you guys. What a little sweetie! Lookin awesome Stace.
Congrats! I hope you are feeling great. She is so beautiful. We'll have to get together after we get settled in, and you are ready to be out and about with Abigail. Miss you! Love all your pictures by the way. I've been busy packing that I haven't checked out blogs for a while, and I can't believe how big your girls look now. So cute!
Congratulations! Lucky Nate - another beautiful Starley girl!
Congratulations! She is beautiful and you look great!
so lovely, nice work you two! you make such cuties.
I love the picture of Sarah practicing - what a good big sister already! I'm glad everything went well.
Congrats! I've been wondering when you had her! She's so cute and little!!! Enjoy three kids! It's great fun!
stace she's so cute!! congratulations, and i hope you are feeling okay!
She's beautiful! Your little family is so cute! Congrats!
hooray!! congrats!! i love the name :) she's so cute, and i hope we'll get to meet her in person in a couple of weeks!
Congratulations! Such a beautiful little addition to your sweet family! I love the latest family photos as well! Hooray for 3 girls!
Congrats on the new arrival. She is beautiful. Glad the birth came without complications. Here's to a speedy recovery. Congrats again.
Yay!!! She's here and she's perfect!What a great name to go with such a sweet face!!! I hope you have a great recovery! This makes me remember you bringing Sarah home from the hospital and I made spaghetti and we came over and played games! Oh how we miss you guys!!! Love you!
What a cutie!!!! She is such a beautiful newborn. Congrats to all!!
I love all of the pictures, but my favorites are the one of the three girls together...they are so beautiful...and the one of Matt with Sara and Abigail...too cute. I can't wait to meet her!
what darling girls- and names!
hope you are doing well.
Congratulations!!!!! She is so beautiful!!!!! I love your family pictures, too and I have to say you look so so tiny!!! It doesn't look like you had a baby the next day!!!! I hope you are feeling well!
Holly (and the rest of us Ü)
How adorable! You guys sure make cute girls! Your family is so cute and growing up, I can't believe how big Sarah is now. When you left she was so very tiny still! We sure miss you guys!! Keep that cute family of yours growing and let us know if you ever come back to MD so we can visit ya!!
Congratulations! How lucky to have three precious girls!
She looks so much like Sara to me!! She is beautiful, and you look great. Congratulations what a fun time. You figure out three kids, and then give me tons of pointers okay? Your family is darling and I loved the family pictures. It is wild to see how fast things change. Congrats again, and I will have to get in touch with you.
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