2. Nate is the only human I know allergic to Tylenol. He breaks out in massive hives everywhere that eventually turn into ugly blisters. Unfortunately it took a few trial and errors to figure this out.

3. His left elbow has extra skin for some reason. If anyone is in need of a skin graft Nate is your man.

4. Nate once killed a pig with rag doused in Cloroform whilst attempting to castrate it.

5. Nate was robbed at gunpoint as a missionary down in Rio.

6. He wrestled at 119 lbs as a senior in high school (he was 6' tall at the time). Along those same lines he competed against a girl once. Luckily for him, he won or he would have had to transfer high schools.

7. Nate's sister wouldn't give up the crib so he spent his first years sleeping in a cardboard box with blankets.

Wow! Those are some SERIOUSLY quirky quirks! The elbow skin is awesome. My quirk is that I actually really enjoy playing with people's elbow skin. :) Don't know why.
You are so thoughtful to write about your husband for a tag. I never even thought to write about "my nate."
poor little piggie. but nate has definitely lived an interesting life! starting with his baby days sleeping in a box. awww.
Let's be honest Nate is just so much more fun to learn about.
Wow - the elbow thing - I can't get over it!! I just never knew Nate was such a freak! J/K :-)
Now, now be kind to poor Nate. He's never going to let me post ever again. Just kidding.
I think I need more info on the whole pig thing. I kept reading it to make sure I got it correct and I think I did but I'm left with more questions then answers!!
You know I am kidding - we love you guys!
This just answers so many questions that I have about Nate... Just kidding! Those are awesome!
Has Nate considered piercing his elbow? You can't allow great skin like that to go to waste.
i love the cardboard box one! and 119 is tiny! good thing hes not that weight anymore. and the elbow skin is a little weird.
Interesting that Nate is allergic to ibuprofen. We just learned that there is a small percentage of the population that is allergic to that.
My bad, I thought it said Advil! De Francis can't take Tylenol, but that's because he only has one kidney. There are some interesting "abnormalities" amidst the population that really aren't so abnormal. I'll check into the acetaminophen allergy. Definitely love that we both watch Private Practice. I hate waiting on the writers strike, though. New sitcom's, please!
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