I cut Katelyn's hair!!!! We had a family cut night for FHE. Nate had a trim and Katelyn decided she wanted one too. I figured she was old enough at 19 months so...she lost the "mullet look". Just a small disclaimer for anyone truly talented-don't judge my cutting skills because I haven't had any sort of training.

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Nice work on the haircut - you definetly have skills!
I love her hair. You did a really good job. It looks great. I'm really impressed.
You did a great job! Her hair looks so sweet! She is looking so much like a little girl and less like a baby! Maybe because she is getting prepared to be the big sister!
you in your last tri (yay!) and katelyn with her new 'do are both looking great. :)
you're an artist... i'd trust you with shears any day.
Nice haircut. We can't wait ot see it up close and in person.
very cute!
I think it looks really cute! Kids hair is the hardest to cut but you did a great job! I love the 2 ponytail look....
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