Accomplishments for Sarah:
1. Walking (she took 24 consecutive steps last night so I consider her a walker now).
2. Graduated from Formula to Whole Milk
3. Says Hi, mama, dada (okay that's a stretch but she has said them each once)
4. Smiles at the camera, laughs, and wants to play with other kids
We just love this little girl. She has so much energy that she bursts with joy sometimes. When she took her first few steps these last two weeks she would get so proud of herself and shake her arms and next thing I knew she had toppled right over. I guess she's aiming to be a gymnist. Her favorite things are de-shelving books - in fact we gave her a free for all at the bookcase for her birthday, Mickey Mouse, being held by Mom (and dad too), Goodnight Moon, Grapes/Cheese, but most of all splashing in the bath. She's quite content in the stroller for hours at a time and can't get enough of the sing song Skinna Marinky Dinky Dink, I Love You.

We had a Mickey Cupcake Cake and icecream at Serra Park with friends today. The older girls cuddled with Sarah like she was the little doll and let her follow them around as we chased/popped balloons. We made keepsake handprints and took advantage of the playground equipment for our entertainment. Thanks to the Sinsay, Parent, Collins, Adamson, Arnes, Larsen, and Yamagata families for making our day so special.
The fun was not over because our friend Jon Naseath was celebrating his 30th birthday as well. We joined them at Golfland for some awesome minigolf and pizza. Katelyn was all about trying to swim in the waterways and climbing into the little "houses" as we progressed through the course. We witnessed Jodee score a free game by hitting the tiniest tubing on the 19th can be done. What a great day!

Mickey Cupcake Cake

Lighting of the Cake -
We were trying to keep the wind from blowing out the candle.

Sarah as the center of attention!