Okay so Kate tagged me with this little real life diddy. The rules are you have to take ten pictures of the following things. And you have to do it right away. No straightening, cleaning or wiping the snot from your child's nose. Then you tag five others. Unfortunately I am no longer living in my own home so I feel it unfair for my mom to suffer the consequences of a peek at her house at 1 AM. I therefore hedged on the rules and grabbed some photos from the past. Hope ya like em.
1. Laundry Room-well you get a glimpse of what our laundry room looks like in the sink photo and I thought this was fitting of how I fold my laundry. Love packing don't you?

2. Favorite Room-honestly this was a toss up. I love my art corner, the kitchen cabinet I built, AND the winner is...the girl's room. It has the most natural lighting in our apartment and I felt like it was the funnest to clean. Go figure.

3. What the kids are doing...Tummy Time! Actually they are sleeping but this is from today.

4. Favorite Shoes-the only ones I could find at the time

5. Toilet/Bathroom- Sorry no porcelin queen today.

6. Kitchen Sink-You really have to look hard in the background...

7. Refrigerator-don't have a photo but it was filled with lovely magnets we have collected from all our vacations...
8. Self Portrait-Hey there beautiful!

9. Closet-Also known as Suitcase...now you understand why I can't find anything.

10. Dream Vacation-I loved our trip to the outer banks in North Carolina. Nate and I have been to many places together...Puerto Vayllarta, Bolivia/Peru, La Push (It really exsists all you Twilight fans), but the best time for me has been hanging out at the beach house and swimming as a family. I guess our Atlanta City trip is a close second...

Now I am supposed to tag 5 of ya to make a post yourself...
I tag Amanda Long, Katie Hale, Amy DeWaal, Kristen Lundberg, and Becky Johnson. I can't wait to see the unbelievable places you call home.