Mother's Day is always such a happy day. My first mother's day they paved the road to our church, this one I gave a talk on strengthening families. Nate spruced things up and treated me and the girls with Chick-Fil-A on Saturday (where Katelyn gave me a beautiful carnation flower) and made me breakfast on Sunday morning. Nate is one of the few guys that would take a graduation present that I purchased for him and trade it in for one for me--I bought him a real wedding ring to replace the latest Walmart beauty on his finger. Anyway I ended up with some beautiful earrings so thanks sweetie.
Here's a post dedicated to the special Mom's in my life. First of course is my Mom. She's one of the few people that knows every stage of my life and still looks at me like I've conquered the world. This coming from a woman who has worked harder than any other person at raising children. I feel overwhelmed every once in a while because Nate had an externship, meeting, or night patient. My mom, she works full time night shifts as a respiratory therapist, serves in the Relief Society Presidency, and watches 5 grandchildren 3 or more days a week. She never complains and still claims to be getting the better part of the bargain. She is the epitomy of charity. I am glad she finally got a bit of time to herself to go to Paris with my dad (even if it was to support Dad's track meet competitions--way to go Dad!)
I would also like to send a shout out to Colleen. Thanks hon for listening to me and dropping everything in your life to come help me after both of the girls' births. Being a 'dental school wife' is something you have to experience to appreciate and I feel Colleen has been so understanding through it all (the good AND the bad). Thanks for telling me you think I am strong when I am bawling like a baby on the phone. You always know what to say to make me feel like a million dollars. You are more than a mother-in-law. You are my other mother. I can't wait to live closer to home.
Becky, Natalie, Holly and Heather...you guys show me everyday what it means to be a good mother. Thanks for the creative ideas to reach out to my toddler and infant. I feel stronger because I know my girl's have you all for aunts.
I also wanted to tell everybody how great Betty was to me too. Betty is Nate's grandmother and she was living with the Starley's for a bit when Nate and I first started dating. I will never forget when I came over to carve pumpkins for family home evening and she made me feel like Nate was the luckiest guy to be with me. Thanks Betty for helping me fit in.
Now that I started naming people I feel like I have to say thanks to my grandparents, my aunts and uncles, and all the family members on Nate's side too. Family is awesome. I can't wait to come home!